Ben Stein Among Global Warming Deniers

27 04 2009

Despite a  plethora of evidence about global warming, there are still people  denying its existence.

Television personality Ben Stein, known for his political and economic commentary, is one of those people.

In March,  Stein expressed his views on Fox News, saying that controls  designed to prevent climate change, such as cap and trade, are dangerous, rather than beneficial, to the world.

“The real danger, it seems to me comes from controls on our behavior because of so-called climate change that causes so-called global warming,” Stein said. “The evidence for that is extremely elusive and tricky, and yet they are planning extremely far-reaching controls for almost everyone in the western world while letting people in the developed countries burn as much of this carbon as they want.”

Stein referred to the “cap and trade” technique, in which the government sets an overall limit on the amount of carbon that can be burned  and gives various industries credit for the amount of carbon they’re going to burn.

In the following youtube video, Kari Manlove of the Center for American Progess explains the logic behind this.:

For a full transcript of  Stein’s appearance on Fox News, click here.



One response

28 04 2009
Rick Hancock

Stein is not by himself on this. A lot of people have doubts about global warming.

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